Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Stovies For Dinner!!

So i was sitting outside yesterday and Marie was asking me what i would like to have for dinner next week, well i decided upon Stovies, but instead of getting them next week Marie decided that today would be a awsome day for it!
To be honest everyday is great for Stovies, it's just one of those dishes that you could live off for a year and never get tired off! They're just that good!

So what the fricken hell is Stovies i hear some of you ask, infact someone on my Facebook page just did after i spammed my page with "STOVIES FOR DINNER!!!!! \o/".

Well Stovies is a traditional Scottish dish made basically off left overs you have lying around, from your sunday dinners etc. 

Basically stovies can be made with whatever, but you must start off with the basics before you start adding whatever you would like into it, so thinking off trying it well here is a little recipe that can get you going.

I honestly urge anyone who has never had Stovies before to try them, you will not be disapointed and on top of that its cheap as hell to make. So enjoy your stovies! I know i will.