Thursday, 21 July 2011

I Hate Rugs!!!

Ok this rug here isn't really my rug, but the fact of the matter still stands!

Honestly the person that invented the rug should be taken into a dark ally and then gunned down by a army of storm troopers! they were seriously the worst thing ever invented in this whole world.
Why do i hate rugs?
The answer to that question lies in the fact that i have a Siberian Husky who is techincally a massive big ball of fur and where does that fur go? you guessed it!!! on the fricken RUG! 
With the rest of our house being wooden floors i can pretty much get around the house with a hoover in about 15/20minutes without breaking a sweat about, but when i enter the livingroom and make a start on that damn rug! I swear it takes me nearly 45 minutes just to get it clean!

And when i've finished? well i might aswell have been doing a 30,000 mile marathon because im sweating like i just have!

So in conclusion i hate rugs, i think we should all get as many rugs as we possibly can together and meet up in a nice big field and burn them all!

Remember people, Hoover + Rugs + Siberian Husky = BAD!