Friday, 23 December 2011

Wishing You All A Merry Christmas!

Unlike most countries Sweden is one of those countries that celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December instead of the 25th, when i first moved here i found it very weird and it took a good few years to get used to but now it's just part of me, it's really funny how some traditions of another country can just become a part of you after you have lived there for a few years, especially when you grew up somewhere else and were used to they're traditions.

But i am so looking forward to tomorrow i must admit, not so much for myself as i am not a Christmassy person but there is nothing like seeing the excitement on the kids faces when they wake up in the morning and see that good old Santa Claus has been bearing gifts for them. We have decided to switch things up this year though, as normally we get up and open up all the Christmas presents in the morning before Marie's parents come out with their gifts but this year we are only going to allow the children to open 1 gift and then that will have to do them until Marie's parents have been and gone and then they can open up the rest.
So it's going to be a bit strange again for me since i'm so used to opening everything in the morning but we shall see, i'm pretty sure the kids will be happy either way as we will allow them to open up their xbox game that we got them, so that "should" keep them occupied for a few hours at least, and me too perhaps ;)

Although for the first time ever i am not going to have a white Christmas, we had lovely snow up until last night when it decided it would go and rain and be a bit more warmer and literally melted all the snow away, so for the first time since i can remember i will have no snow at Christmas which is a bit horrible but not much i can do about it :(

But i just thought i would take this time to wish all the people that come to my blog and follow my blog a Very Marry Christmas and hope that you have a awsome New Year!

I'm sorry that the blog posts have been few and far between this week but it's been a bit hectic over here on the lead up to Christmas and to be absolutely honest i have found myself very tired, i don't know why but from the minute i wake up to the minute i go to bed i just feel absolutely exhausted.

So until next time i hope that you have been good and that Santa brings you everything you wished for! and if you have been bad? well good on you! and enjoy the coal in your stocking hehe!


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